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Advantages Of Led Traffic Lights


Led traffic lights announce a single color that provides easy-to-recognize red,yellow,and green colors.In addition,it has high brightness,low power consumption,long life,fast start-up,low power,no strobe,and is not easy.Visual visual fatigue occurs,which is conducive to environmental protection and other advantages.It can be repaired for many years without any repairs,which greatly reduces maintenance costs.

1.Good visibility: Led traffic signal traffic lights can maintain good visibility and performance indicators under severe weather conditions such as continuous illumination,rain,dust and so on.The light announced by Led traffic lights is monochromatic,so there is no need to use color chips to generate red,yellow and green signal colors; Led traffic lights declare light with directionality and a certain divergence angle,which can abandon the tradition.Aspherical mirrors used in signal lights.This feature of Led traffic lights handles the illusion of traditional signal lights (commonly known as false appearance) and color fading problems,improving light efficiency.

2.Power saving: The advantage of Led traffic light source in energy saving is very remarkable.One of its remarkable features is low energy consumption,which is very meaningful for the use of lamps.Led traffic lights traffic lights almost 100% of the traffic lights of the Led traffic lights become visible light,compared to 80% of incandescent bulbs are lost heat,as long as 20% become visible light.

3,low heat: Led traffic lights are directly converted into light source by electric energy,the heat generated is extremely low,almost no heat.Led traffic lights traffic lights can be cooled to avoid burns and longevity.

4,long life: the working environment of the lamp is relatively harsh,severe cold and heat,sun and rain,so the reliability requirements of the lamps are higher.The average life expectancy of an ordinary incandescent light bulb is 1000h,and the average life of a low-voltage halogen tungsten bulb is 2000h,resulting in high maintenance costs.Led traffic lights traffic lights without damage caused by filaments,and there is no glass cover rupture.

5,the response is fast: halogen tungsten bulbs are not as good as Led traffic lights traffic lights are responding fast,and then reduce the occurrence of accidents.